Exit slips or tickets are tools for implementing formative assessment in the classroom. They are very useful for teachers in order to get immediate feedback from their learners at the end of a lesson or class. They also enhance critical thinking and metacognitive skills as they encourage learners to reflect on their own learning. Here is an example of an exit slip worksheet.
Exit slips can also be used for a whole class feedback activity after the end of a lesson or a unit. The traffic light exit slip is a nice idea to implement. The red light indicates that learners struggle with concepts or topics, the yellow light means that they have understood a topic but still need some clarifications and the green light indicates the topics that learners have understood well. Here is a colored and a black & white version of a traffic light exit slip worksheet. It can be printed in A3 size and learners can stick post-it notes on it.
To read more ideas about exit slips and how to implement them in the classroom, visit the following link.
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