Let's celebrate together the Safer Internet Day!

On Friday February 7th, 2025, our school participated in an online event about online safety. The event was organized  by the Ministry of Education and the Hellenic Police as part of the celebration of the International Safer Internet Day 2025. During the event, they had the opportunity to watch informative videos and learn valuable tips on how to stay safe online. 

Teachers in charge: Vasiliki Tsioumari and Katerina Koupa

Pupils of the 50th and the 72nd Primary Schools of Thessaloniki worked together through a shared link on Canva in order to design a collaborative poster on Internet safety during our eTwinning project "Dream City -Smart and Sustainable". The pupils of the 50th Primary School contributed by listing and designing the important “’Do’s” of online safety while the  pupils of the 72nd focused on the “Don'ts.

Teachers in charge: Vasiliki Tsioumari, Katerina Koupa and Stella Fetsi

Here is their collaborative poster!



Holocaust Remembrance Day is celebrated every year on the 27th of January to honour the victims of the Holocaust and remind us that hate and discrimination should not have place in our world. 

Here is a presentation on Anne Frank's life with links, videos and worksheets for classroom use.


A sample of 6th grade pupils bio-poems on Anne Frank's life. 



🎉 We are happy to announce the official opening of our brand new school radio studio! The creation of the studio was planned and brought to life during the 2023-2024 school year with the contribution of parents, teachers and pupils. Pupils from the sixth grade classes participated actively in the process under the guidance and supervision of the Art teacher. The patterns adorning the soundproof panels are inspired by the pupils' own designs . 

The operation of the radio studio opens up new ways of expression and creativity for our school community. Our first radio shows are airing on the welcoming online platform of the European School Radio. Additionally, our studio is ready to host student groups from other primary and secondary schools who wish to record their own radio shows and podcasts.

👇Check out the video below for a behind-the-scenes look at the studio's construction and our first recordings.



🎄 A collaborative Christmas project 🎄

5th graders prepared and recorded a radio show with Christmas wishes and songs from Greece, Italy, England, Ireland, Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany. We hope you will enjoy it!

🎄Stay tuned to listen to the show online : 

🎄Recording the show in our school studio 


Coding@Christmas Pixel Art

5th graders broke the code
and uncovered the Christmas pictures!

Certificate of participation

Coding@Christmas Colour-by-number


   3rd graders are coding for Christmas

A holiday themed colour-by-number activity where pupils colour a snow globe featuring a Christmas tree. 

Certificate of participation

eTwinning 2024-2025 DREAM CITY

We are happy to announce the beginning of our new eTwinning project "Dream City - Smart and Sustainable"! Here you can get some information about the project and keep up with the monthly activities we have planned. 😃

Introduction to the project

& 1st month activities - 

Let's get to know each other



 2nd month activities - 

Logo designers


This month we learned all about logos! We also became logo designers in order to make a creative logo for our eTwinning project. You can read more below in order to see how we worked for this month's planned activities. 😃

3rd month activities - 
 Meeting each other


This month we enjoyed a variety of activities such as games, virtual tours, an online meeting, a visit to an art exhibition and more. You can see below how we worked for this month's planned activities. 😃


4th month activities - 


This month we visited an art exhibition and associated the visit to our project. Pupils learned about the electrification of Moscow, an important technological achievement for urban development in the early 20th century and saw Andreeva's artwork which highlights the connection between art and urban growth. All the other activities were dedicated to online safety.  On the 11th of February we celebrated Safer Internet Day and collaborated with our partners on various tasks in order to promote online safety and netiquette. 😃

5th and 6th month activities - 

March & April



On November 14th, we were honored to represent our school at an awards ceremony hosted by the Municipality of Thessaloniki. Our school proudly received a commendation for excellence in environmental initiatives and active participation in the 8th Recycling Festival, April 2024.

 Here are some photos from our school’s participation in the 8th Recycling Festival of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, held from April 24 to 26, 2024, at the Thessaloniki International Fair facilities. The festival aims to raise environmental awareness regarding proper waste management and recycling.  We showcased our students' environmental posters and artwork made of recyclable materials. They also had the chance to  see the work of students from other schools. Moreover, they joined recycling workshops and enjoyed eco-themed performances and games.  Congratulations to all participants!



EU CodeWeek 14-27 October 2024

Our second EU CodeWeek activity, titled  "Coding in Space for Climate Change," focused on climate change and protecting the planet through an alliance of schools from Greece and abroad. Our pupils decoded images based on the numerical/color code provided to them. This initiative was also linked with the Eco-Schools program, in which we are participating for the third consecutive year, spreading the message that love for our planet is essential for its protection.

Teachers' certificates of participation

Pupils' certificates of participation



EU CodeWeek 14-27 October 2024

Our school took an active part in this year's European Code Week activities, held from October 14th - 27th. This initiative aims to introduce students to coding through fun and interactive activities while fostering collaboration and partnerships with schools across Greece and abroad. We were excited to learn that Greece ranks second among countries with the most coding-related events. For more information on Code Week, you can visit the official website of the event: 

We joined in an activity initiated by a school in Greece.  "Coding with emotions" was the central idea of the coding project,  giving students a unique opportunity to explore coding through hands-on and creative tasks. Numerous schools from Greece and countries such as Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria and more, joined in and posted their work on a padlet. We really enjoyed being part of this initiative! 

Cross-curricular activities in the 

subjects of English and Art

Here's how we implemented the project in our collaborative lesson: pupils worked in groups and their task was to  "decode" emotions and create emojis based on codes. Next, they had to  explore the classroom, where we had placed four riddles in English and  match the emojis with the emotions conveyed in each riddle. 

Click here to read the riddles

small group of pupils  designed their own emoji, which they named the “Cool Emoji,” using the ZaplyCode app.   

                                  The “Cool Emoji" Code

The “Cool Emoji"

We proudly present our certificates of participation in EU CodeWeek!

Certificate of pupils' participation


Inspired  by a colleague's suggestion, 3rd grade pupils made reading pointers for their English books during a collaborative lesson in the subjects of Art and English. The activity was fun, enjoyable and creative. 

Here are some key  benefits of using reading pointers to develop foundational reading skills in emerging readers.

  • They enhance focus and attention by preventing from skipping lines or losing place 
  • They support word recognition and decoding skills
  • They develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills




"Peace" in different languages worksheet

"Peace" in different languages video

"Imagine" by John Lennon worksheet

English & Art

A collaborative poster created in the subjects of English and Art, inspired by John Lennon's iconic song "Imagine". Our pupils participated actively in the  EDL 2024 initiative "Languages for Peace" by contributing their artwork and vision for a more peaceful world. 

5th grade pupils' poster

...Let's not forget 

"Peace begins with you & me"

6th grade pupils' poster

Awards and prizes for our short film "Cooking up Hope"

We are happy to announce that our pupils' short film "Cooking up hope" has won three prizes in two film competitions for schools. We are so proud of them!

  • 2nd prize at the international competition for schools "5ος Διεθνή Διαγωνισμό Οπτικοακουστικής Δημιουργίας:Τα σχολεία εκπέμπουν στην ΕΡΤ”, σχολικό έτος 2022-23. 

  • 1st prize for the short film poster and 2nd prize for the short film at the international competition for schools "14oς Διεθνή Μαθητικό Διαγωνισμό Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους “Cinema…διάβασες;", σχολικό έτος 2023-24   

Our film is also available at the educational site i-create photodentro and on youtube. 


You can visit the following link to find out more information about the creation of our stop motion animation film.

                              Cooking up hope blog post

Our short film on the Educational Radiotelevision - Vouli channel 

On December 9th, we participated in the award ceremony of the 14th International Competition "Cinema ... διάβασες;" at the Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation in order to receive our awards.



  Let's celebrate together the Safer Internet Day! On Friday February  7th,   2025, our school participated in an online event about onl...