Differences and similarities
Welcome to the Creative English blog for EFL teachers and learners. Feel free to check out creative project ideas, artwork, poetry, short films and more. Think Outside the Box! Enjoy being creative!
A compilation of activities inspired by the wonderful poem by Maya Angelou "Life doesn't frighten me at all".
Let's meet the Beatles
A creative writing project inspired by the poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by Williams Carlos Williams and the painting with the same title by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
My beloved colleague Fani Iatropoulou made a compilation of activities for the project to which I had a contribution.
A compilation of activities designed for the purposes of SWPBS-School Wide Positive Behavior Supports/ ΠρόΘεσυ project that we run at school. The activities aim at promoting empathy, solidarity and conflict management.
Home diaries is an initiative by Unicef during the Covid-19 pandemic. Children from around the world created and shared videos to show other children their daily routines and how they cope with the pandemic. Take a look at some videos.
Catania, Italy
Cape Town, South Africa
A compilation of activities designed for the purposes of SWPBS-School Wide Positive Behavior Supports/ ΠρόΘεσυ project that we run at school. The activities aim at promoting empathy and respect.
Let's celebrate together the Safer Internet Day! On Friday February 7th, 2025, our school participated in an online event about onl...