Showing posts with label EU CODE WEEK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EU CODE WEEK. Show all posts

Coding@Christmas Pixel Art

5th graders broke the code
and uncovered the Christmas pictures!

Certificate of participation

Coding@Christmas Colour-by-number


   3rd graders are coding for Christmas

A holiday themed colour-by-number activity where pupils colour a snow globe featuring a Christmas tree. 

Certificate of participation



EU CodeWeek 14-27 October 2024

Our second EU CodeWeek activity, titled  "Coding in Space for Climate Change," focused on climate change and protecting the planet through an alliance of schools from Greece and abroad. Our pupils decoded images based on the numerical/color code provided to them. This initiative was also linked with the Eco-Schools program, in which we are participating for the third consecutive year, spreading the message that love for our planet is essential for its protection.

Teachers' certificates of participation

Pupils' certificates of participation



EU CodeWeek 14-27 October 2024

Our school took an active part in this year's European Code Week activities, held from October 14th - 27th. This initiative aims to introduce students to coding through fun and interactive activities while fostering collaboration and partnerships with schools across Greece and abroad. We were excited to learn that Greece ranks second among countries with the most coding-related events. For more information on Code Week, you can visit the official website of the event: 

We joined in an activity initiated by a school in Greece.  "Coding with emotions" was the central idea of the coding project,  giving students a unique opportunity to explore coding through hands-on and creative tasks. Numerous schools from Greece and countries such as Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria and more, joined in and posted their work on a padlet. We really enjoyed being part of this initiative! 

Cross-curricular activities in the 

subjects of English and Art

Here's how we implemented the project in our collaborative lesson: pupils worked in groups and their task was to  "decode" emotions and create emojis based on codes. Next, they had to  explore the classroom, where we had placed four riddles in English and  match the emojis with the emotions conveyed in each riddle. 

Click here to read the riddles

small group of pupils  designed their own emoji, which they named the “Cool Emoji,” using the ZaplyCode app.   

                                  The “Cool Emoji" Code

The “Cool Emoji"

We proudly present our certificates of participation in EU CodeWeek!

Certificate of pupils' participation


  Let's celebrate together the Safer Internet Day! On Friday February  7th,   2025, our school participated in an online event about onl...